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Double Choco
This pack started as a section in my 2K Double Choco[1] (part of archive #2000 in the Cracking the Cryptic Discord server), where I had the given numbers resemble the digits of π. On 15th May, 2021, I set the e puzzle that is part of this pack. On 30th June, I set the π puzzle, which is what led to the creation of this pack.
- Divide the grid into regions of orthogonally connected cells, each containing some connected white cells and some connected grey cells, such that the shape of the white cells is identical to the shape of the grey cells, allowing rotations and reflections.
- Clued cells must belong to a region containing the indicated number of white cells and the indicated number of grey cells. A region may contain zero, one, or multiple numbers.
- Zero (0) clues are only for the theme and should be ignored.
[1] Note: Unfortunately, this puzzle was later discovered to be non-unique. I probably won't ever fix it, so I won't make a post for it. Here's a link though: